According to Sprout Social, 91% of people visit the company website after following a brand on social media. So, if you’re looking for ways to generate more and higher-quality website traffic, social media may be the answer!

Ways to increase your website traffic with social media

You can drive more traffic to your website by:

  • Doing interesting things. If people like what you’re doing, they’ll naturally be curious and check out your website. So, even if you’re not in the most interesting industry ever, find ways to stand out. For example, emphasize your unique value proposition and its benefits for your customers or clients.
  • Using clear calls to action. Promoting your latest blog post? Doing a sale? Introducing a new service? If there’s a reason for your social media followers to visit your website, specifically invite them to do so. A simple prompt can often be more effective than waiting for them to take that next step on their own.

How to measure website traffic increases

Besides looking at the performance of individual posts via built-in analytics features, what else should you be looking at? In Google Analytics (or whatever analytics tool you use), take note of:

  • How much traffic comes from social media? If not a lot, you can start thinking of tactics to drive more people to your website, including the ones above.
  • Which social media sites drive the most traffic? You don’t want to waste your time or your budget so this will help you focus your attention where it gets the best results.
  • The bounce rate of that traffic. Do visitors leave your site without interacting on the page they land on or without visiting other pages on your website? If so, you may be building a low-quality audience and/or failing to present a clear message.

And, in addition to bounce rate, track the other behavior of visitors who land on your site from social media. Ultimately, increasing your traffic isn’t a meaningful goal if site visitors don’t sign up for your email list, request a demo, buy a product, or otherwise convert.

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