Type of Google Business Profile Posts

There are four main types of Google Business Profile Posts available:

  1. Updates: This is the most general category for sharing information about your business. You can use updates for things like:

    • Announcing new products or services
    • Highlighting special offers or promotions
    • Sharing news about your business, like awards or milestones
    • Posting holiday greetings or seasonal messages
  2. Offers: This type of post allows you to showcase special deals and discounts you’re offering. You can include details like:

    • Description of the offer
    • Coupon codes or promotional rates
    • Start and end dates of the offer
    • A clear call to action to redeem the offer
  3. Events: Use event posts to promote upcoming events hosted by your business, such as:

    • Workshops or seminars
    • Product launches
    • Grand openings or store anniversaries
    • Local festivals or community events you’re participating in
  4. Products: If your business sells products, you can use product posts to showcase them directly on your Google Business Profile. Product posts allow you to:

    • Include high-quality photos or videos of your products
    • Add descriptions with key features and benefits
    • Link directly to your website product pages for purchase

Requirements for a GBP Post

General Requirements:

  • Character limits:
    • Updates and Event descriptions: Up to 1500 characters
    • Offer titles: Up to 100 characters
  • Post visibility:
    • Events displayed while they’re active within their valid date range on desktop. On mobile, they might not show on the “Overview” tab after the event ends, but will still be visible under “Updates.”
    • Other post types (Updates, Offers, Products) typically appear in the “Updates” tab for some time after posting.

Specific Requirements by Post Type:

  • Updates:

    • Can include text, photos (up to 10), and videos.
    • Minimum image size: 10KB
    • Maximum image size: 5MB
    • Recommended image resolution: 720 x 720 pixels (minimum 250 x 250 pixels)
    • Supported image formats: JPG or PNG
    • Superimposed text or graphics on images:
      • Limited to 10% of the image or video
      • Must be on a single edge
      • Not allowed for excessive edits or filters
  • Offers:

    • Requires a title, start and end date/time (optional for start time).
    • Can include a description, coupon code, link, terms and conditions.
    • “View offer” button is automatically added.
  • Events:

    • Requires a title, start and end date/time. (If no times are specified, defaults to 24 hours on the posted date).
    • Can include a description, photo, and video. (Follows the same image requirements as Updates).
  • Products: (Availability might vary)

    • Requires a product title and high-quality photo or video. (Follows the same image requirements as Updates).
    • Can include a description with key features and benefits.
    • May allow linking directly to your website product pages.

Additional Points:

  • Prohibited and Restricted Content: Google’s Business Profile photos & videos policy and posts content policy apply.
  • Calls to Action: While you can’t include phone numbers directly in posts, you can use a “Call now” button linked to your verified Business Profile phone number.
  • Hashtags: Use relevant hashtags strategically, but avoid overloading.

By following these requirements and best practices, you can create compelling Google Business Profile posts that effectively promote your business and engage with local customers.

Posting sequence to GBP

Google itself doesn’t specify an exact posting frequency for Google Business Profile (GBP). However, there are some key considerations to optimize your posting strategy and maximize visibility:

Posting Consistency is Key:

  • Aim for regular posting to stay top-of-mind with potential customers and keep your profile fresh and active.
  • Striking a balance is important. Posting too frequently might overwhelm users, while infrequent posting can make your profile seem inactive.

Here are some recommendations based on what others have found effective:

  • Multiple Posts Per Week: Some sources suggest aiming for 3-6 posts per week, spread throughout the weekdays. This ensures consistent visibility without bombarding viewers.
  • Focus on Quality Over Quantity: Don’t just post for the sake of posting. Focus on creating high-quality, valuable content that resonates with your audience.
  • Track and Analyze: Monitor your post performance using Google Business Profile Insights. See which types of content and posting schedules generate the most engagement and adjust your strategy accordingly.

Additional Factors to Consider:

  • Industry Standards: Research posting frequency for businesses in your industry. Are there peak days or times when engagement is higher?
  • Your Audience: When are your target customers most active online? Aim to post during those times for maximum reach.
  • Content Calendar: Plan your posts in advance to maintain consistency and ensure a steady flow of fresh content.

By considering these factors and experimenting with different posting frequencies, you can find the sweet spot for your Google Business Profile. Remember, consistency and valuable content are crucial for attracting and engaging your local audience.

Simple Way to Write GBP Posts

There are some simple ways to write effective Google Business Profile (GBP) posts that don’t require a lot of time or effort. Here are some strategies to get you started:

Repurpose Existing Content:

  • Blog Posts: Do you have a blog with informative content related to your business? Repurpose key points or snippets into engaging GBP posts.
  • Social Media Content: Have eye-catching social media posts? Adapt them for GBP by tailoring the text and ensuring visuals meet size requirements.

Focus on Updates and Announcements:

  • New Products/Services: Showcase exciting new offerings with a brief description and high-quality photos or videos.
  • Seasonal Promotions: Highlight special deals or discounts with clear calls to action, like “Visit our website to learn more!”
  • Business Milestones: Celebrate achievements or anniversaries with a heartfelt message and a photo of your team.

Leverage User-Generated Content:

  • Positive Reviews: Share positive customer reviews (with permission) to build trust and social proof.
  • Customer Photos: Re-post customer photos featuring your products or services in action (with their permission, of course!).

Simple Tips for Engaging Text:

  • Start with a Strong Hook: Grab attention with a question, interesting fact, or eye-catching statement related to your post.
  • Keep it Concise: People are busy! Use clear and concise language with short sentences and bullet points for easy readability.
  • Highlight Benefits: Focus on how your products or services solve customer problems or improve their lives.
  • End with a Call to Action: Tell viewers what you want them to do next, whether it’s visiting your website, contacting you, or redeeming an offer.


  • Post Regularly: Consistency is key! Aim for a regular posting schedule to stay visible.
  • Track and Analyze: Use GBP Insights to see what resonates with your audience and refine your approach.
  • Authenticity Matters: Inject your brand personality and showcase the human side of your business.

By following these simple strategies, you can create compelling GBP posts that keep your profile active, engage local customers, and ultimately promote your business effectively.

Calls to Action You Can Include in a GBP Post

While Google Business Profile (GBP) posts don’t allow for clickable links within the text itself, there are several effective Calls to Action (CTAs) you can incorporate to nudge viewers towards your desired outcome. Here are some options to consider:

Website CTAs:

  • “Visit our website to learn more!” – This is a broad CTA that works for various posts, encouraging viewers to explore your website for detailed information.
  • “Get a quote today!” – Perfect for posts about specific services. Lead them to a contact form or quote request page on your website.
  • “Shop our latest collection now!” – Ideal for promoting new products. Include a clear link displayed within the image (if possible) or guide them to your website’s product page using a CTA like “Shop Now!”

Engagement CTAs:

  • “Like our page for more updates!” – Encourage viewers to follow your GBP profile for consistent content and news.
  • “Leave a comment below and tell us what you think!” – Spark conversation and build a sense of community.
  • “Share this post with your friends and family!” – Expand your reach by encouraging viewers to share your post within the platform.

Action-Oriented CTAs:

  • “Call us now for a free consultation!” – Include your verified phone number and a clear CTA for immediate action. (Remember, phone numbers aren’t clickable within the post itself).
  • “Book your appointment online!” – If you have online scheduling, direct viewers to the booking page with a CTA like “Book Now!”

Leveraging Existing Features:

  • “Get directions” button: GBP posts automatically generate a “Get directions” button that links to Google Maps for easy navigation to your business.
  • “Offer” post type: This specific post type allows you to include a clear “View offer” button that can link to a relevant webpage (restrictions may apply).

Additional Tips:

  • Keep CTAs clear and concise.
  • Use strong action verbs that tell viewers exactly what you want them to do.
  • A/B test different CTAs to see what resonates best with your audience.

By incorporating these CTAs strategically into your GBP posts, you can effectively guide viewers towards taking the next step, whether it’s visiting your website, contacting you directly, or engaging with your content. Remember, the goal is to make it easy for viewers to understand what you want them to do and provide a smooth path to conversion.

Avoid GBP post rejection

Here are some key ways to avoid getting your Google Business Profile (GBP) post rejected:

Content Compliance:

  • Adhere to Google’s Guidelines: Review and strictly follow Google’s Business Profile photos & videos policy and posts content policy. This ensures your content aligns with their community standards.
  • Avoid Sensitive Topics: Steer clear of controversial subjects, hate speech, or discriminatory content. Focus on promoting your business in a positive and professional light.
  • Misleading Information: Don’t include false or misleading information about your business, products, or services. Transparency and accuracy are crucial.

Formatting and Technical Aspects:

  • Post Type Requirements: Ensure your post adheres to the specific requirements for the chosen type (Update, Offer, Event, Product).
  • Image and Video Specs: Follow the guidelines for image size (minimum 10KB, maximum 5MB), resolution (recommended 720 x 720 pixels minimum), and format (JPG or PNG).
  • Text Limits: Stay within the character limits for post descriptions and titles (e.g., updates and event descriptions: up to 1500 characters; offer titles: up to 100 characters).
  • Superimposed Text and Graphics: Limit superimposed text or graphics on images to 10% of the image and position them along a single edge. Avoid excessive edits or filters that might obscure the content.

Calls to Action (CTAs):

  • No Clickable Links in Text: While you can’t include clickable links within the post itself, ensure any displayed website URLs or phone numbers are accurate.
  • “Call Now” Button: Use the built-in “Call now” button linked to your verified phone number for a clear CTA to contact you directly.

Additional Tips:

  • Proofread Carefully: Typos and grammatical errors can appear unprofessional. Double-check your post before publishing.
  • Focus on Value: Provide valuable content that informs, entertains, or benefits your audience.
  • Avoid Spammy Content: Don’t overuse keywords, ALL CAPS, or excessive punctuation. This can trigger spam filters.


  • Review Before You Post: Take a moment to review your post and ensure it complies with Google’s guidelines and formatting requirements.
  • Stay Updated: Google’s policies may change, so periodically revisit them to stay informed.
  • Monitor Performance: Track your post performance using Insights. Posts that consistently get rejected might indicate a deeper issue with your content strategy or adherence to guidelines.

By following these tips and focusing on creating high-quality, informative content, you can significantly reduce the chances of your GBP posts getting rejected. Remember, a well-maintained profile with engaging content is key to maximizing your local marketing efforts.

Images in GBP Posts

Images are incredibly important in a Google Business Profile (GBP) post for several reasons:

Increased Engagement and Visibility:

  • Visual Appeal: People are drawn to visuals. Eye-catching images capture attention, making your post stand out in a feed filled with text.
  • Enhanced Comprehension: Images can help viewers grasp your message quickly and easily, especially for complex information.
  • Boosts Click-Through Rates (CTRs): Posts with compelling visuals are more likely to be clicked on, driving viewers to your website or desired action.

Showcase Your Business Effectively:

  • Products and Services: High-quality photos or videos allow you to showcase your products and services in action. This is particularly important for businesses that rely on visuals, like restaurants, retailers, or service providers.
  • Team and Culture: Images can introduce your team, highlighting the human side of your business and fostering a sense of connection with potential customers.
  • Behind-the-Scenes Glimpse: Offer viewers a peek into your work environment or creative process, building trust and brand authenticity.

Local SEO and Search Ranking:

  • Google’s Algorithm: While the exact weight is unknown, Google’s algorithm seems to favor GBP posts that include visuals.
  • Visual Search: Images can help your GBP profile show up in relevant image search results, expanding your online visibility.

Overall Brand Perception:

  • Professionalism: High-quality visuals convey professionalism and attention to detail, creating a positive first impression for potential customers.
  • Storytelling: Images can be powerful storytelling tools. Use visuals to evoke emotions, connect with your audience, and create a lasting brand impression.

Here are some additional tips for using images effectively in your GBP posts:

  • Use high-resolution images: Aim for crisp, clear visuals that look good on any device.
  • Optimize image size: Follow Google’s recommendations to ensure fast loading times.
  • Compelling captions: Add captions to your images that provide context and encourage engagement.
  • Consistent visual style: Maintain a consistent visual style throughout your posts to build brand recognition.

By incorporating high-quality images strategically into your GBP posts, you can significantly enhance their effectiveness, attract more viewers, and ultimately achieve your local marketing goals. Remember, visuals are a powerful tool to tell your business story and connect with potential customers on a deeper level.

Image Size is important

While these specify file size, there’s also a recommended resolution for optimal viewing:

  • Recommended resolution: 720 x 720 pixels (minimum 250 x 250 pixels)
  • While there’s no specific aspect ratio requirement, consider using common options like square (1:1), landscape (16:9), or portrait (9:16) depending on your image content. This helps ensure proper display on different platforms.
  • Image Format: Use JPG or PNG formats, which are widely supported and offer a good balance between image quality and file size.

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