In today’s digital age, video content reigns supreme. With attention spans dwindling and competition fiercer than ever, small businesses must leverage the power of video to connect with their audience and drive growth. But with countless video possibilities, where should you start? This article will spotlight three essential video types that every small business should have in their marketing arsenal. These video cornerstones will help you build brand awareness, engage customers, and ultimately boost your bottom line.

Here are the top 3 videos every small business should have in their marketing arsenal:

  1. Product Explainer Video: This video is your bread and butter. It should clearly explain what your product or service does and how it benefits the customer. Think of it as a quick and engaging answer to the question “Why should I care?”. Keep it concise, visually appealing, and highlight the key features that solve your target audience’s problems.
  2. Customer Testimonial Video: People trust other people! Social proof through customer testimonials is a powerful marketing tool. Feature satisfied customers singing your praises. Let them talk about their positive experiences with your product or service and how it’s made a difference in their lives.
  3. Brand Story Video: This video is your chance to connect with your audience on a deeper level. Share your company’s story, mission, and values. Showcase the faces behind the brand and the passion that fuels your business. This helps potential customers connect with you emotionally and builds trust and loyalty.

What Makes a Good Explainer Video?

  • Short in length: Explainer videos are typically under three minutes, but the best ones are often shorter, between one and two minutes.
  • Strong call to action (CTA): Explainer videos should clearly state what they want their intended audience to do after watching.
  • Focused on solving a problem: Explainer videos are focused on addressing a specific problem, explaining their product or service, and answering why they’re the solution.
  • Match brand and audience: Explainer videos are best when their style and tone match that of the brand, as well as the customer they’re trying to reach.
  • High quality: Explainer videos need to be high quality, both in quality of production and quality of content, to effectively communicate a brand’s value proposition.

Every good explainer video has five things in common according to

So, how are the best explainer videos able to keep their length short, their quality high, their call to action strong, and their solution simple to understand? They all follow a similar structure.

  • What: What’s the audience’s problem?
  • How: How will your product or service fix it?
  • Why: Why should the audience choose you?

Too often, explainer videos get caught up on the what and the how, and forget to focus on the why. They’re good at explaining a product or service, but not effective at communicating the company’s underlying purpose. In order to effectively communicate the why, your company needs to understand who their target audience is through a video marketing strategy and present a strong underlying mission statement that uniquely connects with their intended audience.

Types of Branding Videos

5 reasons why you need a testimonial video:

1. Makes selling easier

When you have a testimonial video, it’s like adding a new salesperson to your team that you don’t have to pay. Customers in these videos talk about your product or special offering, gush about how great it is, and essentially, recruit new customers in an authentic, non-pushy way. As a result, it takes pressure off your real salespeople to close deals, because, in a way, the video is practically selling your work by itself.

2. Gives social proof of the value of your offering

A happy customer is evidence that your offering works and does what you say it will do. So, any claims you make in your sales copy can be validated by the testimony of a real person.

3. Helps to convert on-the-fence prospects

Testimonial videos give your prospects a glimpse of what it might look like when their issues have been solved. After all, they want what your satisfied customers are getting. So, as long as the testimonials feel genuine and authentic, then they’re likely to evoke an emotional response and a desire to make a purchase.

4. Helps you stand out in a competitive market

Every business has competition. So, it’s important that you use every opportunity you can to demonstrate how your offering is better. With testimonial video, the smile and enthusiasm of a fan can give you the edge you need.

5. Spreads the message further than you could alone

As you would expect, testimonials work nicely on your website, and come in handy when prospects research your company. But, you can also put them on your social channels, use them at trade shows, or share them internally to fire up your team.

Check out this great article from Hubspot on Testimonial Examples

Why are branding videos essential for your business?

A brand video is a visual representation that showcases a company’s mission, values, products, and personality. It is a cornerstone for brand messaging designed to evoke emotion and resonate with viewers.

In an era dominated by visual storytelling, businesses constantly seek ways to connect more profoundly with their target audience. While written content and static images hold their value, the dynamic nature of videos has positioned them at the forefront of effective marketing strategies. delves into Brand Videos and their myriad benefits and why they’re a game-changer in the branding world.

  • Building a Strong Brand Identity: Brand identity is the collective perception of a brand’s visual and emotional elements, such as its logo, design, and the emotions it evokes. Video branding allows a business to communicate its brand identity more effectively. By using video, a company can seamlessly intertwine visuals, narratives, and emotions to accentuate its brand values.
  • Engaging and Connecting with Your Audience: Video content can capture and sustain viewers’ attention. When executed correctly, brand videos can tell a story that resonates emotionally with the viewer. This emotional connection enhances brand loyalty and deepens the bond between a business and its audience.
  • Differentiating Your Small Business: In a saturated market, standing out is paramount. Video branding offers the chance to narrate a unique story that sets a business apart from its competitors. The art of video storytelling and visually compelling content create a memorable brand image in the viewer’s mind.
  • Building Trust and Credibility: Trust and credibility are foundational for any successful business. Videos, particularly customer testimonials and behind-the-scenes content, provide an authentic perspective of a brand. These videos offer transparency and allow viewers to relate, thereby bolstering the brand’s credibility.
  • Boosting Online Visibility and Reach: With video content dominating online algorithms, integrating brand videos into your marketing strategy can exponentially boost online visibility. It’s a powerful tool to expand reach and attract a wider audience.

When you want to build out a video strategy for your business, lets chat.

(888) 378-7407

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