CoSchedule Marketing Calendar

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CoSchedule Marketing Calendar is a powerful tool that can help you improve your content marketing results. If you're looking for a way to save time, improve collaboration, and track your results, then CoSchedule Marketing Calendar is a great option.

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Over the years I have used many tools to improve my productivity. I have certified, partnered, and even incorporated tools into my client dashboard, but nothing compares to my favorite tool. I will not degrade any other platforms over this one, however, this by far has made my job so simplified.
My favorite boss and mentor in marketing always encouraged me to simply and ask the extra questions (ATEQ) and that stuck with me over the years. So, in honor of Dave, I bring you CoSchedule Marketing Calendar.

CoSchedule Marketing Calendar incorporates social media, blogging, and email in ONE PLACE. I can literally schedule a blog and set a social media post to coincide with it and email. Now if I can get it to promote my podcast, I would have the ultimate AI in my life.

After five years and countless testing, updating, learning from platforms like HubSpot, Hootsuite, Buffer, Sprout Social, and even MailChimp I am convinced that CoSchedule is the best and most reasonably priced platform for a small business owner. Over the last year I have saved myself over 320 hours of single-handed social media screen time by using this platform.

I’ll even help you even more.  If you’d like to get this setup I can do it for you and then you can do the rest.  Setting up a dashboard like this can take hours if you don’t know what you want or how to do it.  CoSchedule Marketing Calendar is very user friendly, but I am small business friendly and am here to help.

Get CoSchedule Marketing Calendar

An advanced marketing calendar with limitless publishing.

CoSchedule Marketing Calendar is a powerful tool that can help you plan, organize, and execute your content marketing campaigns. It offers a variety of features that can help you save time, improve collaboration, and track your results.

Some of the benefits of using CoSchedule Marketing Calendar include:

  • Plan and organize your content marketing campaigns. With CoSchedule Marketing Calendar, you can easily create and manage your content marketing campaigns. You can create custom calendars, assign tasks to team members, and track your progress.
  • Improve collaboration. CoSchedule Marketing Calendar makes it easy to collaborate with your team members. You can share calendars, assign tasks, and comment on posts.
  • Track your results. CoSchedule Marketing Calendar provides you with detailed analytics so you can track the performance of your content marketing campaigns. You can see how many people are viewing your content, how many people are clicking on your links, and how many people are signing up for your email list.

Overall, CoSchedule Marketing Calendar is a powerful tool that can help you improve your content marketing results. If you’re looking for a way to save time, improve collaboration, and track your results, then CoSchedule Marketing Calendar is a great option.

Here are some additional benefits of using CoSchedule Marketing Calendar:

  • It helps you stay organized. With CoSchedule Marketing Calendar, you can easily keep track of all of your content marketing tasks in one place. This can help you avoid missed deadlines and ensure that your campaigns are always on track.
  • It helps you save time. CoSchedule Marketing Calendar automates many of the tasks involved in content marketing, such as scheduling posts, sending emails, and tracking results. This can free up your time so you can focus on creating high-quality content.
  • It helps you improve your results. CoSchedule Marketing Calendar provides you with insights into how your content is performing. This information can help you make better decisions about your content marketing strategy.

If you’re serious about content marketing, then CoSchedule Marketing Calendar is a valuable tool that can help you achieve your goals.

CoSchedule’s Marketing Calendar helps you see, schedule, and share all of your marketing.

  • Visualize everything in a Marketing Calendar you can share: Take control of your process, see all of your projects together, and show your progress.
  • See everything together (finally). Get instant clarity into all of your projects and confirm you’re working on the right priorities.
  • Share your progress with higher-ups. See everything you’re working on and show your boss what you’ve accomplished in one read-only view.
  • Show what your marketing is doing. Prove the marketing you do every day makes a difference to your company.
  • Stay flexible when plans change. Make rescheduling a breeze by dragging and dropping projects right in the calendar.
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Organize All Of Your Marketing In One Place. From Any Place.

Get all your social media, email, blog, and pinterest channels in ONE Dashboard and manage from ONE PLACE. We'll charge a one-time $34.95 set up fee get you connected and automated, then a monthly fee to CoSchedule of a minimum of $39 paid directly. It's worth the setup and management.

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