Email Marketing is not dead

email marketing is not dead

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Email marketing is one of the most highly effective marketing techniques in the world. In fact, the ROI of email marketing is around $42 for every $1 spent.

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Email marketing is one of the most highly effective marketing techniques in the world. In fact, the ROI of email marketing is around $42 for every $1 spent.

Running email collection campaigns is such an essential piece of online marketing. Creating email newsletters is one of the most effective ways to build stronger customer relationships, and grow your business revenue!

2023 email marketing stats

5 Reasons Why Email Marketing Works

Now you’ve seen some stats about email marketing and you know it works. But why is it so effective? Here are 5 reasons why email marketing works.

1. Email is Personal

Using personalization in your marketing messages to subscribers is a game changer. It gives those messages a completely different feel — like you’re personally reaching out to your subscribers.

2. Users Prefer Emails to Other Media for Businesses

Why collect emails
Even though several new messaging technologies have emerged, people still prefer emails for business messages.

In fact, 61% of consumers prefer to be contacted by brands through email rather than any other channel!

3. Email is Targeted

Emails are also highly effective because you can send targeted emails to specific groups of your subscribers. You can easily group your users based on their email responses, activities (like clicks or page visits) on your site, and many other filters to send them the most relevant offers.

4. You Own Your Email List

An email list is often compared with the number of followers on social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, but there’s a huge difference.

You don’t own the lists of your social media subscribers like you do with your email list. The way you can communicate with your social media followers can change with the changes in the platforms’ policies.

You own your email list. Having a mailing list means guaranteed access to the inbox of thousands of users, at least until they stop using the email address or unsubscribe.

5. Emails Convert More Subscribers into Customers

All the reasons stated above ultimately contribute to your conversions. Like we mentioned early in this article, the ROI of email marketing is around $42 for every $1 spent. Emails just convert better than other marketing channels!

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